
How the First World War Helped Give Rise to Political Theology ~Theologians Supported 1914 War~ Thirteen of the signatories were theologians, Protestant and Catholic alike. They included Gustav Adolf Deissman, Albert Ehrhard,Gerhart EsserHenrich Finke, Wilhelm Herrmann, Anton Koch, Joseph Mausbach, Sebastian Merkle, Friedrich Naumann, Adolf Schlatter, August Schmidlin, and Reinhold Seeberg. The leading theologian in the group, and one of the leading intellectuals among the ninety-three, was Adolf von Harnack. ~A Lie of the Manifesto (1914)~ the  Manifesto  claimed the German army acted in Belgium out of self-defense against intense fighting by irregular forces. This claim was an outright lie, because what became known as “The Rape of Belgium” served no military purpose, and caused the deaths of innocent civilians and the burning of villages and towns besides Louvain. ~Barth's Understanding of Liberal Theology~ Barth had lon...

Adolf von Harnack’s Dark Theology ~Freedom~ "Harnack‘s theology is liberal theology in the sense that it emphasizes the imperative of freedom: the freedom of thought, the pursuit of truth, and freedom from external interference." ~Human Power~ "He was also confident in the power of human thought and the ability to transcend one‘s subjectivity to attain genuine objectivity. In him, scrupulous reasonableness and unshakeable religious faith were combined, resting on his awareness of one‘s dependence on the absolute spirit." ~Christianity for Harnack~ According to Harnack, true Christianity was something simple and sublime: “It means one thing and one thing only: Eternal life in the midst of time, by the strength and under the eyes of God.”  Gary Dorrien,  Kantian Reason and Hegelian Spirit: The Idealistic Logic of Modern Theology   (Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015), 326-327. ~Harnack on War~ Harnack’s thought was permeated wi...


  即使他們發現是你創造他們,也不肯把自己貢獻於你,使你保持著所創造的工程。  (p. 77 or Augustine's  Confession  V.3) Source: 奧古斯丁著,周士良譯《懺悔錄》。臺北市 :  臺灣商務, 1998 。